Thursday 10 March 2011

Are we equals?

Following our class discussions about this topic and the readings in our book, I'd like to share this clip with  you.

Friday 28 January 2011

The English Civil War: an interesting video about the battle of Nantwich

Amazingly enough, one of the latest multimedia clips on the Internet version of The Guardian newspaper is about the English Civil War -as we've just seen a text about it and we're focusing on history vocabulary, I thought you may find it interesting.
The clip is a bit difficult but if you read this Wikipedia entry, everything will be a bit easier. As you can read there, Nantwich is a town in Chesire (in the North West of England). It was occupied by Parliamentary forces and sieged for 6 weeks. After a famous battle, the siege was raised, which  meant a turning point for the war.
There's an annual re-ennactment of this battle in the town -it takes place on January 25th and the documentary focuses on this re-ennactment.
In the documentary, there's a historian, who is not too difficult to understand. However, some of the local people who appear in the clip have a broader Northern accent and are more difficult to understand.
Anyway, if you want to watch it, here is the link.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Scott and his expedition to the South Pole

Our blog is back. We needed a fascinating story like Scott's expedition to the South Pole to be back on line! Well, if you are interested in this explorer and the controversies around his character and death, you can read the following:
1. Wikipedia article on Scott
2. Doomed expediton to the Pole, 1912
After such a lot of reading, what's your opinion about Scott? Do you think he was a brave explorer or a selfish character?